1. Changes may cause uncertainty
2. Changes if it (revolution) will leave a destructive effects.
3. Changes is complex. It is hard to be understood by certain people
4. Some Changes not guarantee safety
5. Changes cause people in dilemma. They are confuse to choose whether the changes may benefited or unbenefited them.
6. If there are changes, people has to adapt to the new situation which is difficult to do in a short period.
7. Changes in terms of value may different from the mutual old value that has been hold by few people
8. Changes may not occur to the all level of people. Some always benefit the higher cluster only
Coming next...
How to solve 8 problems above?
2. Changes if it (revolution) will leave a destructive effects.
3. Changes is complex. It is hard to be understood by certain people
4. Some Changes not guarantee safety
5. Changes cause people in dilemma. They are confuse to choose whether the changes may benefited or unbenefited them.
6. If there are changes, people has to adapt to the new situation which is difficult to do in a short period.
7. Changes in terms of value may different from the mutual old value that has been hold by few people
8. Changes may not occur to the all level of people. Some always benefit the higher cluster only
Coming next...
How to solve 8 problems above?
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